Friday, April 13, 2012

Just a day!

My teen, my mom, and I are coming to Providence on Thursday 01/18/07. My child %26amp; I are going to see Wicked - Grandma is on her own! We%26#39;re staying on Federal Hill. Will be there throughout the day on Friday as well. Going out to an early dinner - best place for a dinner either on Federal Hill or close to PPAC? Any suggestions for Grandma while we%26#39;re at the show? How about for the three of us on Friday? A good place to walk to for breakfast would be a great start. Grandma wants to see the mansions - but it looks like many are closed this time of year. What is there to do in Providence in January?!

Just a day!

you have a large choice of eateries in all price ranges on Federal Hill. Two upscale restaurants close to PPAC have preshow specials l%26#39;Epicurio and the bistro at Pot au Feu. Your mother might like to discover the city by walking or by trolley. A stop at the visitor center in the Convention Center would be a good place to start for maps and ideas. Does she like to shop, visit museums, go to IMAX theater? Would you all like to ice skate in a wonderful outdoor rink?

Just a day!


I don%26#39;t think any of us want to ice skate - we%26#39;re from Northern New England and want to be warm (fortunately the weather%26#39;s been complying until today).

Is there a trolley in Providence? I think we all might like that. IMAX is something that Mom might be interested in as well - I%26#39;ve been trying to convince her of that.

I%26#39;ll check those restaurants out on TA. And look into the trolley!



There are two trolley routes for the city. A full day pass is $6.00. Buy tickets and get route map at Kennedy Plaza bus terminal. The visitor center has the bus route map and can offer suggestions on its use.

You should stay at a Mansion the Edgewood Manor Bed and Breakfast. Its beautiful. I think you would get a great breakfast as well ,its probably included in their rates. Its in a nice location near Roger Williams Park.

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