Monday, April 16, 2012

December weekend in Newport?

Does anyone have a recommendation for a B%26amp;B getaway in Newport that won%26#39;t break the bank? Would like it to be quiet for sleeping, but still within walking distance of the harbor sites. (We stayed once at the Hotel Viking which was a great location but not a very good value.)

I%26#39;m terribly allergic to cats and would prefer a king bed but queen is OK... Private bath is a must. Many thanks!

December weekend in Newport?

I%26#39;d suggest Francis Malbone Inn, Hydrangea House, or Adele Turner Inn -- these all have great locations. I don%26#39;t know what you mean by breaking the bank, but being that you%26#39;re talking December, you%26#39;d probably get an off-season rate at most of them. Francis Malbone has some gardenside rooms that I think are reasonable (for Newport).

If none of these fit your constraints, check out for some other B%26amp;B%26#39;s in the area.

December weekend in Newport?

I%26#39;d second the Francis Malbone. Stayed there last week and it was terrific. They have some specials going on right now. Read the reviews of this place and I%26#39;m sure your mind will be made up for you.

I%26#39;d seconf the Francis Malbone. Stayed there last week and it was terrific. Read the reviews. I%26#39;m sure it will be easy to decide after you%26#39;re done.

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