We are looking for suggestions for the week between Xmas and New Years for sightseeing, shopping, and holiday celebrations. Four of us generally go to Manchester Vermont for all of the above and are looking for someplace different. Any suggestions? Newport or any other area..
Thank You
Need Rec for Xmas week and New years
See my post to ';Thanksgiving Week in Newport';. Also checkout gonewport.com, newportmansions.org, and the Newport Chamber of Commerce website. These will give you an idea of what you can do in Newport.
Need Rec for Xmas week and New years
You could visit Bristol during your time in the area. You may be sick of seeing mansions after Newport, but Blithewold is more intimate than the Newport houses, is nicely decorated for the holidays, and there are concerts many days that are included in the price of the ticket.
Also see this site for more info on Christmas in Newport: www.christmasinnewport.org
We just got back from spending Thanksgiving weekend in Newport. (thanks for the tips ILove RI!!). There are only 4 mansions open for the season. Astor%26#39;s Beechwood is open...didn%26#39;t go to that. We did the 3 mansion package Breakers/Elms/Marblehouse for $25 pp. They are all decorated for Christmas %26amp; lovely. Breakers is self guided (no audio) %26amp; it is run very tightly with not the friendliest staff in the world. Although I must say, of all the rooms, the newly discovered platinum paneled room had the nicest gentlemen who gave lots of details of the room. The other 2 mansions have a self guided audio tour %26amp; I found this to be a much more pleasant experience.
We stayed at the Hydrangea House Inn which was absolutely wonderful with fabulous service. The rooms are gorgeous! As far as dinner...22 Bowen was expensive but delicious with very attentive %26amp; friendly service. Well worth it. Scales %26amp; Shells is a must for the seafood lover. So fresh %26amp; delicious. They don%26#39;t take reservations %26amp; we only had to wait 10 min. Worth the wait!. We were not impressed with Puerini%26#39;s or Castle Hill but they always seem to get rave reviews...go figure. We had lunch @ a small Thai restaurant on Thames (don%26#39;t remember the name). The food was delicious %26amp; very reasonable (they were packed!).
Shop along Thames St %26amp; the wharfs. There are other things to do but when you travel without kids....the break of not having to do anything at all is more appealing than anything else. Especially in a beautifully appointed room. I just love Newport. Have a wonderful trip. I think you will enjoy it.
The Mansions are decorated for Christmas and some may have special events during that week. It is “down season” in Newport and in many respects a great time to visit. You should be able to get a better rate on accommodations. I agree that Scales and Shells is great for seafood but I had three mediocre meals at 22 Bowen and would not return. On the other hand, I love Castlehill not just for the food but wonderful setting; a great place to stay as well, especially in the beach houses. 22 Bowans, Castlehill and The Mooring are owned by the same group of investors and they recently redid the Mooring where my husband and I had a good, not great, meal during our stay in November. Some really great restaurants are The West Deck, on Waites Warfe, we have our best meal of our stay in this restaurant every time we visit. Astericks is very good and I would also recommend White Horse Tavern. Newport is a great town. Have a great time!
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